Donate Today
The Whitefish Trail relies on the generosity of trail users, conservation-minded supporters, and local businesses. We need your commitment today to support the Whitefish Trail and our local conservation lands.
A WT Friend donation is the suggested annual donation for an individual, and a WT Family is a suggested donation for a family.
Your donation is an investment in in future of our community. Enjoy the Whitefish Trail, be a conservation champion, and donate today!

Whitefish Trail Endowment
The Whitefish Trail Endowment safeguards the long-term health of our community trail system for now and future generations, ensuring that families of the Flathead Valley can forever enjoy free recreation access to our local lands. Revenue produced by the endowment is restricted to support Whitefish Trail annual maintenance tasks including trail tread work, sign replacement, trailhead maintenance, access road repair, snowplowing, and toilet pumping. The Whitefish Community Foundation manages the WT Endowment Fund ensuring sustainable growth of the principal and a reliable disbursement every year. Make a legacy donation that will enrich the Whitefish Trail forever.

Corporate Sponsorship
The Whitefish Trail generates $6.4 million in consumer spending in Whitefish every year and supports 68 local jobs. We rely on support from local businesses to keep the Whitefish Trail and our local conservation lands thriving. Give back to a project that creates so much value for our community and sponsor the Whitefish Trail this year! We deeply appreciate our Corporate Sponsors and look forward to promoting our partnership in social media, in our newsletter, and on our website.
WT maps for your clients or customers
Recognition in WLP newsletter and Annual Report
Business name listing and link to your website from WT website