We are in a sweet spot right now on the Whitefish Trail with clear, dry but not dusty trail conditions. The wildflowers continue to impress. We are seeing Indian paintbrush, Woods' rose, Calypso orchid or fairy slipper, Mariposa lily, nineleaf biscuitroot, silvery lupine, and Alberta penstemon. There are even some areas of blooming bear grass. Stop by our WLP office or visit our website shop to purchase your own Whitefish Trail Wildflower Guide or NW Montana Field Journal.
If you've noticed your favorite trailhead is getting busier, consider visiting sections of the Whitefish Trail during early morning hours or exploring another trailhead just slightly further from town. The Big Mountain and Holbrook Overlook Trailheads are great close-to-town alternatives, or the five trailheads in Beaver Lakes all offer solitude even during the busy summer months. Before we know it, the dog-days of summer will be here. For now, the mornings are cool, the landscape is lush, and the trails are clear. Get out and enjoy our community trail system and consider a donation this summer to give back to the trail and open spaces you love!
Adopt-A-Trail Crews and our Trail Coordinator have been hard at work this month restoring and generally clearing and cleaning areas of trail. Reservoir Trail switchbacks up to the overlook have been cleared of loose rock and gravel. We hope you enjoy the Whitefish Trail!
Send your trail photos or trail updates to info@whitefishlegacy.org!