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February Trail Report

Hurray for snow! The before and after photos above show just how much a few inches can help trail conditions, but don't forget that there is an icy layer not far underneath the new snow. With the new snow arriving, the most popular trails will take a few days to become well packed down for walking. Given our regular freeze thaw cycles, traction devices are recommended across the entire Whitefish Trail system.

Did you know that you can fat bike, ski, hike or snowshoe directly from the Whitefish Bike Retreat onto the Whitefish Trail for free! Thanks to the Whitefish Bike Retreat, DNRC, Whitefish Legacy Partners, the City of Whitefish, the Whitefish Convention & Visitors Bureau, there are over 8 miles of 33" wide groomed trails for the public to enjoy in the Beaver Lakes area! To access the trails from WBR, guests must register and sign the WBR waiver located at the office.

WBR Groomed trails are shown here in red:

The 2023 end-of-the-year dog tags are up on the Whitefish Trail Skyles Overlook monument!

Welcome Zoe, Stella, Daisy, Sky, Orla, Drake the Dog, Dexter, Remi, Sophie, Abner, Neko, Bee, Colt, Moe, Marie, and Macy!

Thank you Tailwaggers for donating and printing the new tags. Stop by and check out the post next time you're at Lion Mountain and remember, you can always put up your own dog tag.

Send us your winter trail reports and photos to!


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