The long, hot days of summer are here when afternoon plans revolve around jumping into an ice-cold lake or locating the best huckleberry patches. It's also the season to celebrate the early mornings and shadier parts of the Whitefish Trail. You'll get the added benefit of solitude during the early morning hours. Listen for nesting birds or look for whitetail deer with their antlers covered in velvet. You don't know until you go! The entire Whitefish Trail system is open and ready for your trail adventures.
FIRE DANGER ALERT: Trail conditions are drying out as we head into late July, and it's an important time to remember fire safety. Flathead National Forest recently raised local fire danger to High/Very High and put out this helpful information as you plan your outdoor adventures.

We hope you get out and enjoy our community trail system and consider a donation this summer to give back to the trail and open spaces you love!
Send your trail photos or trail updates to info@whitefishlegacy.org!