Old man winter has moved in and seems here to stay! The bear statue at Lion Mountain Trailhead is embracing the weather with style and flare!
Currently most of the trails have patches of snow and ice. Our faithful volunteers have been out in the cold clearing trails, so be sure to pat them on the back and thank them if you cross paths.
Please remember that hunting season continues through November 28 and that most of the lands surrounding the Whitefish Trail are open to hunting. Be sure that you and your dogs are wearing orange at all times. To report concerns, please contact 1-800-TIP-MONT.
Big Mountain Trailhead has accumulated a decent amount of snow. Check Glacier Nordic Club's websitefor updates on Nordic grooming.
As a reminder, the following WT trailheads are plowed for winter use:
Lion Mountain, Skyles, Beaver Lake, Swift Creek, Reservoir, Big Mtn., and Holbrook Overlook.
All other trailheads are not plowed consistently, so drive with care if trying to access these harder to reach places.
As you get out and explore the Whitefish Trail this winter, we'd love to see your photos and hear your trail stories! Be sure to tag your photos with #whitefishtrail on social media for a chance to be featured in our next trail report.
Send your winter trail reports and photos to info@whitefishlegacy.org!