We are in that season where one day feels like winter and the next like spring! Trail conditions are extremely variable across the trail system. Expect areas of residual snow and freezing conditions in the morning with mud and slush by the afternoon! Daylight Savings Time has added plenty of daylight to the late afternoon-evenings for after-work excursions. We are so fortunate to have this world-class trail system in our community. Please remain aware and respectful of shifting trail conditions. Enjoy!
Avoid muddy conditions.
The trail is not yet ready for biking or horses although it's great for foot traffic. Mornings are often ideal because the tread can be still frozen. If you come across a muddy section of trail, please stay in the middle of the trail tread. Don't walk to the sides of the trail to avoid mud. This widens the tread and damages surrounding vegetation.
Be Bear Aware. Spring is a great time to brush up on Bear Aware. Bring bear spray (and know how to use it), recreate in groups, avoid using earbuds, and keep dogs under control to discourage wildlife conflicts. Brush up on your bear aware knowledge at one of our upcoming free WT Education events!
As a reminder, please help us keep the trails clean and pick up your dog's waste.
Send your trail reports and photos to info@whitefishlegacy.org!