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DNRC Spencer to Beaver Forest Management Project Update

Thanks to your engagement and response, the DNRC received over 70 public comments regarding the proposed Spencer to Beaver Timber Sale. The comments, along with the impacts of the proposed project, will now be assessed by an interdisciplinary team of DNRC specialists. The resulting Environmental Assessment (EA) document will be released this summer.

In their update email to all who submitted comments, the DNRC notes that they "received significant public feedback highlighting the importance of the project area to the Whitefish community and the recreational opportunities it provides. Public comment also highlighted other general resource topics, such as: aesthetics, forest operations and silviculture techniques, wildland fire hazard and fuel loading, project economics, wildlife habitat, water quality, soil erosion, and air quality."

We are glad the DNRC will be analyzing the impacts of the proposed project with these important issues in mind. We appreciate the State's review of the project and know they will thoughtfully seek the appropriate balance between forest management, resource impacts, visual impacts, recreation impacts, fire resiliency, and economic value. We look forward to reading the Environmental Assessment and will include additional updates in future newsletters. To get updates, email DNRC Kalispell Forester Alex Golden at

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