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September Whitefish Trail Report

Out on the trail right now you can feel the season beginning to change. The mornings are noticeably cooler, and leaves are beginning to change color. Fall is certainly on the horizon, and the recent rains have dampened any dust on the trails! The same storm that cancelled the WT Hootenanny also brought over thirty trees down across the Whitefish Trail system. In addition to clearing all the downfall this past month, we installed a new bench at Woods Lake, replaced multiple trail signposts, and completed annual trail maintenance at Skyles and the Skyles/Beaver connection. We also kicked off the fall Adopt-a-Trail season with the Women Who Explore Montana out at Holbrook Overlook with more work days scheduled in upcoming weeks! 

The final 2024 volunteer trail crew opportunity is Tuesday, September 24 from 4-7pm. Email for more information and to sign up!

It's a great time to explore the Whitefish Trail and appreciate the beautiful landscapes that surround our community and Whitefish Lake. Get out and enjoy our community trail system!

Send your trail reports and photos to!


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