The Whitefish Trail Operations Committee requests proposals and bids from
interested contractors on behalf of the Whitefish Trail, Smith Lake Phase 1 -
Summer 2023. Work begins 6/16, completion 8/17.
Project specifics will be available at Whitefish City Hall and online at on May 3, 2023. Project bids are due Tuesday, May 23
at 5pm. Two separate contracts will be awarded and proposals/bids should be
submitted to City Parks & Recreation, 418 E. Second St., Whitefish, MT, 59937,
referencing WT Smith Lake Lakeshore Improvements or WT Smith Lake
For questions, please contact WT Project Manager, Keith Schmoll,
307.690.2166, or Whitefish Legacy Partners,
SMITH LAKE LAKESHORE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT COMPONENTS: This construction project will include the following components (detailed specifications for each component are included). The contractor is responsible for supplying all materials. Please refer to the Whitefish Trail Smith Lake Lakeshore Improvements packet as a reference:
1. Erosion control.
2. Gravel walking paths and pads that connect cribbed steps, a viewing platform, a bench, and connecting natural surface trails.
3. Dry stack retaining walls to support new trails.
4. Restoration area.
5. Hourly rates for equipment and labor for additional tasks as necessary.
SMITH LAKE CARPENTRY PROJECT COMPONENTS: This construction project will include the following components (detailed specifications for each component are included). The contractor is responsible for supplying all materials. Please refer to the Whitefish Trail Smith Lake Carpentry Packet as a reference:
1. Cribbed step construction.
2. 10’x10’ Viewing Platform.
3. Timber-frame bench.
4. Hourly rates for equipment and labor for additional tasks as necessary.
